Ad-Hoc Harbor Management Plan Committee
Asistencia General en Espanol
Assessing Department
- How can I find out how much the property taxes are on a specific property?
- How can I get information on property cards?
- How do I find the Assessed value of a property?
- How is my tax bill figured?
- How is the tax rate (mil-rate) established?
- How much do I owe in property taxes?
- How much is my excise tax?
- How will improving my home by adding a deck, extension, etc. increase its value?
- If the Assessor asks to view the interior of my home, must I let him or her in?
- May the town grant real estate tax exemptions or tax reductions to selected properties for purposes it deems useful?
City Council
City Manager's Office
Clerk's Office
Code Enforcement Department
Economic & Community Development Department
Energy Advisory Committee
- Are Rockland’s goals for renewable energy and carbon neutrality consistent with the State’s goals?
- Are Rockland’s goals for renewable energy and carbon neutrality consistent with the State’s goals?
- What are Rockland’s goals for renewable energy and carbon neutrailty?
- What is the Energy and Sustainability Advisory Committee?
- What is the Energy and Sustainability Advisory Committee?
- What is the Energy and Sustainability Advisory Committee?
Finance Department
Fire & EMS Department
- Can I burn debris in my yard?
- Do you offer classes on how to properly use a fire extinguisher?
- How are extension cords hazardous?
- What should I do if I break a fluorescent or compact fluorescent light bulb?
- What should I know about fire sprinklers?
- What should I know about smoke detectors?
- Why is it important to keep exits unblocked?
- Why is there a fire truck at some EMS calls?
- Will the fire department inspect my chimney?
General Assistance Office
Harbor & Waterfront Department
- Are moorings maintained by the city, or are those acquiring permits required to install their own mooring and have it inspected?
- Can I store my dinghy at the public landing?
- Do moorings need to be vacated during “named” storms?
- Do moorings need to be vacated over the Winter?
- Do you have dock space available?
- Do you have rental moorings available?
- Is there a minimum vessel insurance policy?
- What are the fees for services, dockage and moorings?
- What do you have for amenities?
- When are the docks available?
Historic Preservation Commission
Human Resources Department
- Can any Rockland resident purchase a parking permit for the Thorndike or the Winter Street parking lots?
- How many spots can I purchase for myself or my business?
- How will non-permit-holders pay for parking?
- What if no spaces are available in the Custom House Lot and I am a permit owner?
- What if no spaces are available in the lot I have a permit for?
- What period is a permit good for?
- Will downtown employees and business owners be able to purchase a parking permit?
- Will downtown residents be able to purchase a parking permit?
- Will metered parking in the Thorndike, Winter, and Custom House lots be year-round?
- Will Rockland residents who are non-permit holders get a special rate?
Police Department
- How do I contact the District Attorney’s office?
- Can I have my fingerprints taken?
- How do I commend an officer?
- What to do when stopped by a police officer
- How do I get a copy of a police report?
- How do I get a copy of my crash report?
- How do I hire a detail officer?
- How do I make a complaint against an officer?
- How do I pay or contest my traffic ticket?
- How do I pay or dispute my parking ticket?
Public Library
- Can I donate my used books to the Library?
- Can I print items at the Library? What is the cost?
- Do you have meeting rooms for rent? What is the rental procedure, cost, etc.?
- Does the Library have a fax machine?
- Does the Library have a photocopier? How much are copies?
- How can I become a Library volunteer?
- How do I get a library card?
- What are your hours–are you open today?
- What do you have for Genealogy & local history resources?
- What kind of programs do you have for children?
Public Services Department
- Can I have sand and salt for my driveway or walkway?
- Does Rockland have a parking ban during winter?
- Does the city pick up dead animals?
- Does the City pick up leaves and brush?
- I have a dying tree in my yard? Will the city cut it down?
- Portable Basketball hoops
- What are the hours of the Transfer Station?
- What are we going to do when the landfill is closed?
- What can I recycle?
- What does a dump sticker cost and what other options does the City offer to dispose of my waste?
- Are there any programs or assistance available to me for my tax obligation?
- Is my tax bill going to increase?
- Is the Revaluation a way for the City to get more tax revenue?
- What If I don’t want to let the Assessor or Data Collector in my home?
- What if I think my assessment is too high?
- What is a Revaluation?
- What the Process for the Revaluation?
- Why do we need a Revaluation?
- Will my tax bill increase by the same percentage as my assessment (property value)?
- Will my value go up if I let the Assessor or Data Collector into my home?