Rockland Fire Department Open House
Join us on Sunday, November 3, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for a Rockland Fire Department Open House. The event, which will include tours, Sparky, demonstrations, and prizes for children, will take [...]
Rockland’s Fire & EMS Department delivers a very high level of service to our residents in comparison to both local area services and services across the State
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Get a Burn Permit
This section is to answer some of the frequently asked questions about the Fire & EMS Department and its services. If you do not find the answer here please feel free to call us (207) 594-0318 or ask your question online.
Burning of clean wood products is allowed in Rockland with a burning permit issued by the Fire Department or online by the Maine Forest Service. Below are some of the conditions that are required for obtaining the permit:
Download a Maine Department of Environmental Protection brochure on burning construction materials (PDF 110k).
The Life Safety Code requires that all businesses that have mounted fire extinguishers provide their employees with proper training. The Rockland F.D. currently provides this training at no cost. Classes usually take 30-45 minutes and include live fire evolutions where participants actually utilize fire extinguishers. Businesses must provide their own extinguishers for the hands on portion of the training. The training can be held either at your business or here at the Rockland fire station. Individuals may also request fire extinguisher training and we will try to accommodate by gathering a list of names and contacting you when a suitable class size is gathered. You may schedule fire extinguisher training by calling the F.D. at (207) 594-0318.
Extension cords are made to be used as temporary devices and must be suitably sized for the appliance or device they are supplying. Common household extension cords are generally not suitable for powering heating appliances or devices that use a lot of electricity. Overloading extension cords causes them to heat to a point that could melt their covering and cause a fire. Another frequently found related issue is running extension cords under rugs, carpets or furniture, which allows them to heat up to unsafe levels. Generally speaking an extension cord that is used to power an appliance should be replaced by a suitable hardwired outlet within reach of an appliance’s factory installed cord.
The lamp contains a small amount of mercury, but you can clean this up yourself: the Maine Department of Environmental Protection has detailed instructions on how.
The Rockland F.D. wholeheartedly believes in fire sprinklers. The combination of fire sprinklers and smoke detection has been proven nationally to provide the highest margin of safety to humans from fire. There is a lot of misunderstanding about fire sprinklers, such as:
The Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition (HFSC) is an excellent resource on the topic and hosts powerful video footage showing the benefits of sprinkler systems. We strongly urge everyone to learn how these systems can ensure your quality of life for years to come.
Time and again smoke detectors are proven to make the difference between escaping a fire or not. It is far too common for us to observe smoke detectors that either have no batteries or have been removed due to nuisance alarms. Smoke detectors are generally very accurate devices and nuisance alarms can be avoided by proper placement or replacing the device with one less prone to alarms from steam or “cooking smoke”. All smoke detector batteries should be changed twice a year to ensure proper operation. Changing your smoke detector batteries when you change your clocks is a great way to ensure their ready to protect you and your loved ones.
One of the most important points of fire safety is maintaining safe ways to leave the building or home in a fire or smoke situation. This usually means ensuring all doors are readily accessible without moving any objects or furnishings, but can also mean utilizing windows. Frequently furniture blocks windows which may prevent an occupant from escaping when a door leads toward the fire or smoke. It is imperative that you have at least two ways to get out of any room that is normally occupied (living rooms, bedrooms, offices, etc.) There are some exceptions in the Life Safety Code to this, such as in sprinklered buildings or in bathrooms or closets, though two ways out is always a safe bet.
Because the Rockland F.D. provides EMS to the City and the residents of Owls Head, all our career personnel are cross trained. Due to staffing we attempt to cover as many scenarios as possible with personnel staffing multiple apparatus. This means that if an ambulance requires assistance, a fire truck may be utilized by the crew to respond while ensuring other emergencies can be efficiently covered. There are also many safety related issues that are addressed by sending a fire apparatus to assist EMS crews. These include time where forcible entry may be necessary to gain access to a patient or when the crew or patient maybe exposed to vehicular traffic and the fire truck is used as a barrier.
The Rockland F.D. does offer chimney, woodstove and fireplace inspections to anyone interested. At this time, we are able to offer this service at no cost. All solid fuel burning appliances and chimneys are inspected for compliance with NFPA 211, the nationally recognized code. While these inspections often reveal deficiencies, strict compliance is not enforced in one and two family dwellings unless an egregious hazard is present, though it must be noted that a property owner should understand their homeowner’s insurance policy’s rules before overlooking any code issues. In all multiple dwellings or commercial properties code compliance is mandatory and deficiencies must be corrected in a timely manner as agreed upon between the F.D. and the owner. You may schedule a chimney or solid fuel burning appliance inspection by calling the F.D. at (207) 594-0318.
Here is a list of some of the commonly used Fire & EMS Department documents & forms. Note that you can also obtain these forms directly from the Fire & EMS Department. If you do not find the document or form you are looking for, please feel free to call us (207) 594-0318 or request your document online.
Rockland’s Fire & EMS Department delivers a very high level of service to our residents in comparison to both local area services and services across the State. The average response time for an EMS call in Rockland is 4 minutes and 41 seconds compared to 10 minutes and 54 seconds in nearby communities. Due to the rapid response of highly trained staff, a person suffering a cardiac arrest, among many other medical crisis’s, has a much greater chance of survival. Rockland Fire & EMS CPR success rate for those presenting in a “shockable rhythm” is 40%, while the National average is 28.3%.
To maintain this high level of service to Rockland residents the department operates three advanced life support ambulances as well as four frontline fire apparatus and two support vehicles. The department is staffed by a Career Division (18 full-time employees) and a Call Division (16 paid per call) employees. The majority of the career staff work 24 hour shifts (1 day on, 2 days off) that equals an average workweek of 56 hrs. Two of the career paramedics work a staggered 12 hour shift, providing each of the three shifts with an additional paramedic 50% of the time.
A strong Fire & EMS Department provides safety to the community and minimizes property, job, and most importantly the loss of life, when a fire or other emergency occurs.
It is the vision of the Rockland Fire & EMS Department to be the most respected department in the region, providing excellent service by continually improving personnel through high quality training; strengthening bonds with the community through participation and transparency; growing to meet new challenges to the community through constant hazard evaluation and introspection; all while dedicating ourselves to providing a safe and enjoyable workplace.
The Fire & EMS Department provides all-hazards emergency response services to the citizens of Rockland and primary emergency medical care to the citizens of Owls Head. Our tier one services include providing 24/7 fire, medical and other emergency incident response. However, the Fire & EMS department is active in a variety of tier three – proactive and preventative initiatives such as:
To fulfill the EMS mission, the department utilizes three four wheel drive ambulances, licensed at the Maine EMT-Intermediate Level, meaning there is at least an EMT-I on every medical response. Our personnel live up to our motto “Professionals for Life” by regularly attending training, seminars and providing excellence in care. Our staff maintains an in-house Quality Assurance Program which reviews all advanced life support calls to ensure the most appropriate care is provided at all times.
The Rockland Fire Department operates 3 Fire Engines, 1 Tower Ladder, 3 ALS ambulances, 1 command unit, 1 utility pick-up and a small inflatable boat. The daily career personnel staff one engine, the tower and an ambulance for fire incidents. EMS coverage is provided by on duty personnel cross-staffing the three ambulances as needed with and career staff being either Maine EMT-Intermediates or Paramedics. The Call Division, as our paid call personnel are known, respond to all first alarms and whenever incidents leave the station with fewer than two duty personnel in house.
The Call Division is a dedicated force of “volunteer” firefighters who regularly train and respond to the multitude of incidents the department covers. They are paid by dividing a fixed sum of money in equal monthly sums, then dispersing it based on the number of times a member reports to training, incidents or staffing recalls. Many of our call division members are also EMS licensed personnel and provide quality EMS care when staffing ambulances.
You can contact the Fire & EMS Department using the details below or by completing the online form. Always dial 911 in an emergency.
(207) 593-9132
Knox County Dispatch
(207) 594-0318
Fire & EMS Department Office
Rockland Fire & EMS Department, 118 Park St, Rockland, ME 04841
Get directions