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  • Camden Conference Talk: The Impact of Language-How Do We Talk and Write about Domestic Violence?

    Kelly O’ Connor

    The Camden Conference and New Hope for Women present Kelly O’Connor discussing “The Impact of Language-How Do We Talk and Write about Domestic Violence?”

    New Hope for Women will lead a discussion about the power of accountable language and how the way that we talk and write about domestic violence impacts the way we engage with survivors and perpetrators alike. In particular, we will explore ways in which the everyday language we use when talking with family and friends is often unintentionally perpetuating a cyclical narrative of victim-blaming. This need for accountable language extends far beyond our dining room tables and text groups. Traditional and social media have a growing influence in the ways in which we learn, write, and speak about many topics, including domestic violence. This presentation will examine accountable language at two levels: the individual and the societal. In this interactive presentation, we will engage audience members in a variety of accountable language activities. We will also look at some reporting headlines about domestic violence to identify where the language is helpful and where harmful.

    Kelly O’Connor is the Education & Outreach Director for New Hope for Women. In this role, she oversees New Hope’s violence prevention programs which provide technical assistance, support, and training to an array of community partners, including law enforcement, schools, and medical and mental health providers throughout Maine’s Midcoast Region.


    Jan 09 2020


    6:30 pm


    Rockland Public Library - Community Room
    80 Union St, Rockland, ME 04841, USA

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