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  • Below you will find a listing of city permits, applications, certificates and licenses. If you have any questions, please contact the Clerk’s Office directly.

    Request a Certificate

    Please note: If we are unable to locate a Birth/Death/Marriage record for you, please contact the Maine State Office of Vital Records for further assistance.

    Marriage License

    Filing of Marriage Intentions

    The first step to obtaining your marriage license it to ensure you have completed your marriage intentions form, which is required by the State of Maine.

    If you are both residents of Maine but live in separate towns/cities you may have your marriage intentions recorded by the Clerk in either town/city. If one is a Maine resident and one is not, you must file in the town/city of Maine resident. If intended parties are both from another State or Country and wish to marry in Maine, they can file intentions in any town/city in Maine and may be married anywhere in the State of Maine.

    For Out-Of-State residents coming to Maine to get married, they may get the marriage license from the clerk of any town or city in the State of Maine.

    Previous Marriages

    If either (or both) party has been married before, they must submit a certified copy of the divorce papers (death certificate or annulment papers) to the Clerk.

    There is no longer a waiting period between the time the application is submitted and the license is issued.  The filing fee is $40.00.

    License Validity

    Once issued, the license is valid anywhere in the State of Maine for 90 days.


    The filing fee is $40.00.

    Recreational Licenses

    • $6.00 for spayed or neutered dogs/$11.00 for female or male dogs
    • Dog licenses expire calendar year, December 31st each year. Dog’s must be registered before January 31st each year to avoid a $25.00 late fee
    • Replacement tags are $2.00.
    • Must show current rabies vaccination for the dog

    Information from State of Maine Dept. of Agriculture Web Site:

    “All dogs need to be licensed upon reaching the age of 6 months in the town where it resides. Or after the dog has been with the family for 10 days, if adopted.”

    What do dog licenses pay for?


    Your dog licensing fees support:

    • Local Animal Control Officers and State Humane Agents
    • Investigation of animal cruelty complaints and enforcement of animal welfare laws
    • Compliance with rabies vaccination of dogs
    • Care for sick and injured stray animals
    • Return of lost dogs to their owners
    • Link to IFW Site where residents can renew registrations online:
    • New registrations must come to City Hall. We need a bill of sale that includes the VIN # of the ATV/Snowmobile.
    • Access to the Use Sales Tax Form
    • New ATV’s: $35.00 (Resident) plus 5.5% sales tax of purchase price; Renewal ATV’s: $34.00 (Resident); Duplicate Registrations: $1.00
    • ATV’s: Non-Residents 7-Day Pass: $54.00; Non-Resident Season Pass: $69.00
    • Include a link to the Use Sales Tax Form for State of Maine (attached in email)
    • Both ATV and Snowmobile registrations are valid July 1 to June 30 each year.
    • New Snowmobiles: $47.00 (Resident) plus 5.5% sales tax of purchase price; Renewal Snowmobiles: $46.00 (Resident); Duplicate Registrations: $1.00
    • Snowmobile: Non-Resident 3-Day Pass: $50.00; Non-Resident 10-Day Pass: $76.00; Non-Resident Season Pass: $100.00
    • Link to renew boats online:
    • Boat Registrations are valid from January 1 to December 31
    • For new registrations, please bring in a bill of sale. You will need to fill out a Use Sales Tax Form. If the boat was previously registered in Maine, we will also need the Maine Registration Number. We will need the VIN #, Horse Power, Maine Registration Number if applicable, length of boat, and year of boat.
    • Fees vary depending on the length, model year, use, and horsepower of the boat (vessel) being registered.
    • If the boat is a documented vessel, we collect excise tax only for Rockland residents and for Non-Resident’s that moor their vessel in Rockland for more than 60 consecutive days.

    Business Licenses & Certificates


    Residential Parking Permit Application Form.

    • Custom House Parking Lot is permitted parking. There is very limited availability as this is 30-space lot. Please call Rockland City Hall to be put on a wait-list. Permits are $40.00 per month or $440.00 for the year.
    • Permitted vehicles should be parked in the designated “Permit Parking Only” area, however, if the designated “Permit Parking Only” area is full, permitted vehicles may park in any other space in the Custom House Parking Lot that is available. Should there be no spaces available in the Custom House Parking Lot, permitted vehicles may park on the southerly side of Limerock Street, between Main Street and Union Street; the westerly side of Custom House Place, between Limerock Street and School Street; and on the southerly side of School Street, between Union Street and Main Street, exempt from any time limits on parking on those streets.
    • Permitted vehicles may not be parked overnight during the City’s winter parking ban, December 1 to April 1. The City shall not be liable for any damage that may occur to a vehicle parked overnight from April 1 to December 1.
    • Permit must be displayed to avoid any parking tickets.
    • Granite Street Parking (Between Union St. and Broadway) is permitted parking for Granite Street Residents, their guests, and for service providers. Permits are free and require the resident to fill out a permit application at City Hall. Permits are valid July 1 to June 30. The vehicle plate number is required for the application. Placards must be displayed on the rear back driver’s side of the vehicle.
    • Not more than two active Guest and Service Provider Placards may be issued per residence in the zone. Placards shall be limited to specified time periods not to exceed two weeks, or for regular, periodic visits.

    Winter Parking Permit Application Form.

    • Winter Parking Permits are available to provide parking during the winter parking ban months from December 1 to April 1. Permits are $25.00 each and are available at City Hall. Residents are required to fill out an application. Winter parking permits are available for the Thorndike Parking Lot, Buoy Park, and Harbor Park.

    Non-Resident Commercial Hauler's Transfer Station Permit Application.

    Over Limit Movement Permit Application Form.

    Special Events Application Form. Note: It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain the necessary departmental approvals before submitting this application.