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    Clerk’s Office

    The City Clerk’s Office is a liason to the public. On the phone or in person, the staff provides a variety of answers at all times for citizens seeking assistance

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    Latest Clerk’s Office News

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    Clerk’s Office FAQs

    Can I have my proof of auto insurance faxed to Rockland City Hall?

    Please fax your proof of auto insurance to (207) 594-9481. Please note, if you would like a printed paper copy of your insurance, copies are $1.00 each.

    How do I contact the Animal Control Officer?

    Please call Knox County Dispatch at (207) 593-9132.


    What are Rockland City Hall hours?

    Rockland City Hall is open Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon; and closed on all federal and state holidays.

    What forms of payments does City Hall accept?

    Cash, checks, bank checks, and debit/credit cards are accepted. The convenience fee is 2.95% of the transaction or a minimum of $2.00 on all debit/credit card transactions, charged by the credit card company, Point & Pay, and does not by any means go to the City as revenue.



    Where are the election polls held?

    Elections are held at the Rockland Flanagan Community Center (formerly the Rockland Recreation Center) at 61 Limerock Street. During an election, polls are open from 8 a.m to 8 p.m.



    Where do I buy my dump sticker and how much does it cost?

    Residential and seasonal permits are $145.00. Stickers are purchased at the Rockland Transfer Station at 400 Limerock Street.

    Clerk’s Office Documents & Forms

    Here are a list of some of the commonly used Clerk’s Office documents & forms. Note that you can also obtain these forms directly from the Clerk’s Office. If you do not find the document or form you are looking for, please feel free to call us (207) 594-0304 or request your document online.

    About Rockland Clerk’s Office

    By Charter the City Council elects the City Clerk to serve at its pleasure. The City Clerk gives notice of all Council meetings; prepares agenda for City Council meetings, attends all Council meetings; and keeps records of all meetings and actions of the Council.

    By Statute, the City Clerk serves as the supervisor of all elections held in the City; serves as the deputy registrar of voters, and keeps all records required by Statute. The City Clerk also accepts payments on behalf of the City and State for various City and State licenses, permits and certificates, i.e. hunting and fishing licenses, dog licenses, birth, death and marriage certificates, and marriage licenses.

    Clerk’s Office Additional Information & Statistics

    The mission of the city clerk is to accurately maintain city records, conduct elections with professionalism in accordance with State law, prepare City Council meeting agendas and minutes, issue City licenses, provide effective and efficient customer service, and provide information to both City officials and the general public in a friendly, courteous, and often times in a confidential manner.

    The City Clerk’s office accurately maintains city records, conducts elections with professionalism in accordance with State Law, prepares City Council meeting agendas and minutes, issues City Licenses, provides effective and efficient customer service and provides information to both City officials and the general public in a friendly and confidential manner.

    • Continued scanning and transcribing historical records.
    • Provided high level of customer service.
    • Conducted election as noticed and conducted annual election clerk training.
    • Provided information to Council, city staff and public.
    • Conduct Annual Elections, integrating the new ballot scanner/vote tabulator equipment being provided to the City by the State.
    • Attend required training sessions for the new voting equipment.
    • Attend conferences/seminars to continue education.
    • Provide superior customer service.
    • Respond to requests in a timely and accurate manner.
    • Continue with digitizing historical archives.

    Contact the Clerk’s Office

    You can contact the Clerk’s Office using the details below or by completing the online form.
    Office hours: Monday – Thursday 7:30-5:00 and Friday 7:30-noon. (Closed public holidays)

    (207) 594-0304
    Clerk’s Office Office

    (207) 594-9481
    Clerk’s Office Fax

    Rockland City Hall, 270 Pleasant Street, Rockland, Maine 04841
    Get directions

    • Contact The Clerk’s Office Online

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