Wild Weird Wonderful Maine: A Zoom Author Talk by Author Earl Brechlin
So, you think you know Maine? Think again!
It’s not just the woods, waters, forests, fields, mountains, shores, cities and towns, lobsters and lighthouses that define Maine.
From Kittery to Fort Kent, from Calais to Camden, from Rangeley to Roque Bluffs, and from Bethel to Bucksport, Maine is home to natural wonders, quirky characters, remarkable inventors, historical firsts, ghosts, legends, landmarks, fairs, festivals, culinary icons all born in the triumph of an unquestionably indomitable spirit nurtured over two centuries since becoming a state in 1820.
Join author Earl Brechlin as he shares some of his favorites from more than 300 people, places, things and events that have made Maine what it is today.
To sign-up for a Zoom link for this event, please email elewis@rocklandmaine.gov no later than 4 PM on the day of the event.