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  • Although Rockland has had a Building Code Since the mid-1980s, State Law now mandates that we administer and enforce the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code (MUBEC). Furthermore, City Ordinances also require permits various other activities such as, but not limited to: plumbing, electrical, signs, driveways, sewer connections, floodplain, shoreland zoning and others.

    What Requires A Permit?

    Here is a complete list of what requires a permit from the Code Office in Rockland. If you are unsure on what requires a permit, don’t hesitate to contact us.

    Why Obtain A Permit?

    Failure to obtain a building permit can be costly and potentially result in unnecessary delays. A complete application provides us with the details we need to ensure that both land use (setbacks, lot coverage, etc.) and building code (joist, rafter sizes, etc.,) regulations are met. Our goal is to not have to tell anyone they must do something again.

    Who Can Obtain A Permit?

    Many permits applications such as plumbing, electrical and sewer connections are obtained by licensed tradesmen. In some cases, State Law permits a home owner to do electrical and plumbing work themselves, but a permit must still be obtained and inspection and testing requirements to ensure code compliance still applies. For more information about who can do the work. If in doubt, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

    Permit Application Time

    The Rockland Code Office has two Code Officers who are fully State Certified in all aspects of Codes as required by law. As a result, turn-over times for issuing permits and wait times for inspections are seldom an issue. After you complete an application, when you submit it and pay the fee, if a Code Officer is available, we try to take a quick look to ensure that we have all the information we need. Permit fees are set by order of the City Council. We periodically compare these fees with the fees of other municipalities similar to ours and have found that they not out of range.

    Construction Permit Applications

    Building permits are issued to authorize the start of a construction project if our review demonstrates that the proposal will be in compliance with the Rockland Code, the Maine Uniform Building & Energy Code as well as other applicable State and/or Federal regulations. Inspections are performed to ensure that work is done as approved. The issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the last step in this process, occurs after a final inspection shows that the project has been completed as permitted.  Additional permits, ie, plumbing and electrical, as well as others, may be required.

    What Requires A Building Permit?

    A Building Permit is required in Rockland for any new or replacement structures (including fences, decks, steps, sheds, and garages), additions, and for most alterations on existing structures. Please don't hesitate to contact us and ask if your project needs a permit. You can also view a table of what requires a permit.

    Building Permit Application

    Download the Building Permit Application


    The application fee for a building permit is $60 for single and two-family uses and $100 for non-residential and multi-family dwellings. Building permit fees are in addition to application fees and are based on the use and size or area/footprint of the proposed project except in the case of renovations or repairs involving structural alterations where fees are calculated at a rate of $5.00 per $1,000 of value of construction for single and two-family and $8.00 per $1,000 value of construction for non-residential or multi-family with a $25 minimum.

    For a complete list of fees, please see the fee schedule.

    What Requires An Electrical Permit?

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask if your project needs a permit. You can also view a table of what requires a permit.

    Electrical Permit Application

    Download the Electrical Permit Application


    For a complete list of fees, please see the fee schedule.

    What Requires A Plumbing Permit?

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask if your project needs a permit. You can also view a table of what requires a permit.

    Plumbing Permit Application

    Download the Plumbing Permit Application


    For a complete list of fees, please see the fee schedule.

    What Requires A Demolition Permit?

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask if your project needs a permit. You can also view a table of what requires a permit.

    Demolition Permit Application

    Download the Demolition Permit Application


    For a complete list of fees, please see the fee schedule.

    What Requires A Home Occupation Permit?

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask if your project needs a permit. You can also view a table of what requires a permit.

    Home Occupation Permit Application

    Download the Home Occupation Permit Application


    For a complete list of fees, please see the fee schedule.

    What Requires A Driveway Permit?

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask if your project needs a permit. You can also view a table of what requires a permit.

    Driveway Permit Application

    Download the Driveway Permit Application


    For a complete list of fees, please see the fee schedule.

    What Requires A Sewer Connection Permit?

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask if your project needs a permit. You can also view a table of what requires a permit or download the Sewer Connection Details For Homes & Small Businesses booklet.

    Sewer Connection Permit Application

    Download the Sewer Connection Application Permit


    For a complete list of fees, please see the fee schedule.

    Please note: If you are unsure on what requires a permit, don’t hesitate to contact us. You can also view a table of what requires a permit. Completed applications can be brought into the Rockland Code Enforcement Office.

    Street, Sidewalk & Signage Permit Applications

    Who Requires A Sidewalk Display Permit?

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask if your project needs a permit. You can also view a table of what requires a permit.

    Sidewalk Display Permit Application

    Download the Sidewalk Display Permit Application


    For a complete list of fees, please see the fee schedule.

    Who Requires A Sidewalk Table Permit?

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask if your project needs a permit. You can also view a table of what requires a permit.

    Sidewalk Table Permit Application

    Download the Sidewalk Table Permit Application


    For a complete list of fees, please see the fee schedule.

    Who Requires A Sign Permit?

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask if your project needs a permit. You can also view a table of what requires a permit.

    Sign Permit Application

    Download the Sign Permit Application


    For a complete list of fees, please see the fee schedule.

    What Requires A Street Or Sidewalk Encumbrance Permit?

    You can view Street Or Sidewalk Encumbrance Requirements. Please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask if your project needs a permit. You can also view a table of what requires a permit.

    Street Or Sidewalk Encumbrance Permit Application

    Download the Street Or Sidewalk Encumbrance Permit


    For a complete list of fees, please see the fee schedule.

    What Requires A Street Excavation Permit?

    Street Excavation Permit – Performance Bond Form. Please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask if your project needs a permit. You can also view a table of what requires a permit.

    Street Excavation Permit Application

    Download the Street Excavation Permit Application


    For a complete list of fees, please see the fee schedule.

    Short Term Rental Permit

    Who Requires A Short-Term Rental Permit?

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask if your project needs a permit. You can also view a table of what requires a permit.

    Short-Term Rental Permit Application

    Download the Short Term Rental Application


    For a complete list of fees, please see the fee schedule.

    Miscellaneous Permits

    Who Requires A Keeping Chickens Permit?

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask if your project needs a permit. You can also view a table of what requires a permit.

    Keeping of Chickens Application

    Download the Keeping Chickens Permit Application


    For a complete list of fees, please see the fee schedule.