Public Notice: Marijuana Business Lottery Information
CITY OF ROCKLAND PUBLIC NOTICE Rockland marijuana business applicants who wish to be entered into the lottery must submit their application by July 6, 2020. You may contact the Code [...]
The purpose of the Code Enforcement Office is to protect the lives, safety, and property of all citizens of our community
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This section is to answer some of the frequently asked questions about the Code Enforcement Department and its services. If you do not find the answer here please feel free to call us (207) 594-0308 or ask your question online.
Yes. We have an ordinance specifically designed to address metal- framed fabric structures. The Code Office can issue a permit for a fabric structure not larger than 300 square feet. The Planning Board must approve anything larger. These quonset hut style structures are manufactured in much larger sizes and might be purchased and used as a garage. Planning Board review is to ensure that a larger structure is not out of place in a dense neighborhood consisting of predominantly wood-framed buildings and/or historic housing. Because the fabric on these structures typically last for only a few years, there are regulations to require that the structures be maintained in good condition. For more information about fabric structures click here.
Yes, a building permit is required for a shed. The applicable setbacks in the zone in which the shed is located must be met. In most residential zones the side and rear setbacks are less for sheds. You need to provide basic construction information. Depending on the size, we generally accept pre-built sheds from companies that we are familiar with without construction details. Because sheds are usually free-standing, they should be anchored sufficiently to prevent movement from high winds. This is particularly important with light-weight sheds. Feel free to contact us to learn more about the requirements for erecting a shed.
Yes, a building permit is required for a fence.
No. However that does not mean that code regulations for roof shingles do not apply. You cannot have more than two layers of shingles before they have to be removed. You must install shingles in accordance with manufactures specifications (number of nails, etc.). In Maine, ice and water shield is required at the lowest edges of the roof and must extend onto the roof so that it covers at least 24 inches beyond the exterior wall line. Shingles must be UL Listed Class A or B materials. Untreated cedar shingles are not permitted. If you have to replace roof rafters while shingling, a building permit is required.
Here is a list of some of the commonly used Code Enforcement Department documents & forms. Note that you can also obtain these forms directly from the Code Enforcement Department. If you do not find the document or form you are looking for, please feel free to call us (207) 594-0308 or request your document online.
The Rockland Code Enforcement Office has worked hard for many years to be seen as a resource and not an impediment to development. We encourage residents, business owners, builders, realtors and developers to make the Code Office one of their first stops when planning any type of activity that may involve our office. We spend a lot of time helping the public understand processes and requirements before they invest in the City or begin a project. We often suggest that the initial contact be a face-to-face interaction. This helps both applicants and the Code Office to thoroughly understand the project or proposal and results in less miscommunication and less confusion with regards to regulations.
Because of the vast array of regulations for which we have responsibility, it is likely that almost everyone in the City will have contact with the Code Office at some point. We sincerely enjoy meeting and working with people, and together we will strive to sustain Rockland as a great place to live and work.
It is the mission of code enforcement to ensure that building codes are in compliance for all residential and business dwellings in the City, for the safety and security of the citizenry.
Rockland’s Code Enforcement Department’s primary function is to enforce the zoning and land use and licensing laws of the City of Rockland as well as all aspects of the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code. This involves maintaining an effective enforcement program, based on the Comprehensive Plan and supported by ordinances, building and energy codes. This helps preserve and improve neighborhoods and encourage and guide development while limiting inappropriate / incompatible land uses, and protecting our environment and its valuable resources. Fair and consistent enforcement of codes and other regulations also ensures the safety and value of new buildings and improves the condition of existing buildings.
You can contact the Code Enforcement Department using the details below or by completing the online form.
Office hours: Monday – Thursday 7:30-5:00 and Friday 7:30-noon. (Closed public holidays)
(207) 594-0308
Code Enforcement Department Office
(207) 594-9481
Code Enforcement Department Fax
Rockland Code Enforcement, 270 Pleasant Street, Rockland, Maine 04841
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