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  •  In Fire & EMS Department

    In the past month, the Rockland Fire and EMS department responded to two incidents.

    One occurred on July 11, in the South End of the city. A call was placed to the fire department alerting them of an apparent car fire in the Boston Financial parking lot. Car 1 was the first fire department vehicle to arrive and confirmed that smoke and fire were coming from the engine compartment of the vehicle.

    The fire department was able to contain the fire and ultimately extinguish it using 150 gallons of water.

    The second reported fire took place on Cedar Street, on August 10. Fire and EMS were dispatched for a possible structure fire. The first vehicle to arrive was Car 1, which did not see any smoke coming from the building. After further investigation of the property, a small fire was found smoldering against the building on its rear side. The fire was easily extinguished with 50 gallons of water, and thermal imaging cameras were used to confirm that none of the fire had travelled into the structure. After it was established that the fire was completely extinguished, the building was turned back over the owner.

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