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  • Virtual Demonstration by the Society for Creative Anachronism

    Rockland Public Library will host members of The Society for Creative Anachronism for a virtual recreation of a Viking family meal, craft, and game,10th Century style. Join Jarl Yfir Donnalson, Hausfrau Verthande Idunnardottir, and their household for an evening in their exploring camp. They will be cooking a family meal over an open fire, doing some small weaving of useful items ,and playing a relaxed game of hnefatafl (also sometimes referred to as Viking chess). As they progress through these activities, they will provide an overview of the details involved. They will also answer questions, tell stories, and point you to library resources you can use to dig deeper into Viking foods, textile arts, games and other forms of entertainment. You won’t want to miss this informative recreation, so email by 4pm on the day of the event to request the link to attend via Zoom.


    Aug 27 2020


    6:30 pm


    Rockland Public Library ONLINE

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