Reading Room Concert: Kirkmount, with Celtic Harpist Alex Bigney
Reading Room Concert: Kirkmount, with Celtic Harpist Alex Bigney
Thursday, April 24 at 6:00 PM
Kirkmount is the name of a forgotten village in the hills of Nova Scotia. The one-room schoolhouse where folk danced strathspeys and reels all night to fiddles and the percussive banging of the piano is gone, but the Bigney family still plays the kind of music their grampa, great-grampa and great-great-grampa played there. That Scotch snap, the irregular spikey rhythms and lingering melancholy notes once again paint memories and make feet tap.
Celtic harpist Alex Bigney has lived with his family in the mid-coast area for 10 yrs. He and his sons Alex and Noah love to play together and share their tradition.