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  • Arbor Day Tree Planting

    Photo: iStock Chinnapong

    In celebration of Arbor Day, on Saturday, May 25, the Rockland Tree Board will host a tree planting at Snow Marine Park from 1 to 3 PM. A family-friendly event, the Tree Board volunteers will be coordinating a tree planting of our native Swamp White Oak at the park, celebrating the trees of our City, and hosting an acorn planting activity for children.

    Rockland is a Tree City, sponsored by the National Arbor Day Foundation because it has met four core standards of sound urban forestry management, maintains a tree board and community tree ordinance, and celebrates Arbor Day.  Across the country and in every state, 155 million Americans are living in Tree City USA towns and cities.

    Arbor Day, first celebrated in the USA in 1872, is a day of observance where communities and individuals are encouraged to plant trees. In our city, in your backyard, and across the community, trees provide needed shade, habitat for an incredible array of insects and birds important to our environment, help clean and cool the air, and are an aesthetic and pleasing addition to our landscape.

    If there are any questions or you would like to get more involved please contact:


    May 25 2024


    1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


    Snow Marine Park
    Mechanic Street

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