A Matter of Balance: An 8-week Workshop (Registration Required)
A Matter of Balance
Mondays, Starting April 7
10 AM-12 PM
An 8-week Workshop (No class on 4/21 & 5/26)
Many older adults experience a fear of falling. People who develop this fear often limit their activities, which can result in physical weakness, making the risk of falling even greater. A Matter of Balance is a program designed for community dwelling adults aged 60 and older to increase activity levels and reduce the fear of falling. If you are concerned about falls, have sustained falls in the past, or are interested in improving your flexibility, balance and strength, this class is for you. Led by Pen Bay Medical Center staff from the Community Health team. Part of the Healthy Aging Series co-sponsored with MaineHealth- Pen Bay Medical Center.
Registration is required due to a limited number of seats available in this class; to register:penbaywaldo.coursestorm.com or 301-3950.