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  •  In Economic & Community Development Department

    Midcoast Council of Governments is accepting applications for New Business Recovery Grants.

    To be eligible, businesses and nonprofits located in the Midcoast region must have

    • started or been acquired on or after January 1, 2020,
    • fewer than 250 employees, and
    • be current on State of Maine taxes, in compliance with labor laws, and in good standing with applicable entity registration and reporting requirements.

    Additionally, applicants must demonstrate that they were unable to take advantage of previous pandemic-related relief funds or continue to experience adverse economic impacts related to COVID-19. (Impacts from ongoing challenges, including labor and supply chain constraints, will satisfy the latter requirement.)

    The maximum award under this program is $25,000, and applications are due by June 7, 2024. Businesses/nonprofits must apply online at MCOG’s website–link to New Business Recovery Grant page below:

    Applicants should direct questions regarding this program to

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