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  • City of Rockland, Maine
    2025 Revaluation
    Income & Expense Questionnaire FAQ’s

    The City of Rockland is in the process of completing a city-wide revaluation in partnership with Vision Government Solutions, the firm hired for this project in preparation for the 4/1/2025 assessment date. According to Maine Revised Statutes Title 36 §701-A, the Assessor is required to consider all three approaches to value: cost, income, and sales comparison. To properly consider the Income Approach, we need to gather income and expense data. Below are some frequently asked questions, and if you have any additional questions, please reach out to the City Assessor.

    What is this form?

    This form is to assist in determining the value of your property based on the income the property generates.

    Why do we need it?

    As mentioned earlier, Maine Revised Statutes Title 36 §701-A requires the Assessor to consider all three approaches to value. The Income Approach is one of these methods and in order to properly assess both the income and expenses related to your property, we need you to provide the relevant information. Without this, we may have to estimate the income and expenses.

    What happens if we don’t complete it?

    Returning the completed questionnaire is crucial for us to accurately consider all three approaches to value. Using actual data is always more reliable than relying on estimated, as factual information provides a more accurate assessment

    What do I need to report?

    Income generated from the property and associated expenses. Please do not report the business sales income. Tenant names are not required unless it is a Commercial Tenant.

    When is it due?

    The completed questionnaire should be returned to Vision Government Solutions within 30 days. The mailing address is listed on the top right of the form.

    What if I have more questions?

    Please contact the City Assessor via email ( or by phone ((207) 594-0303).