Energy Advisory Committee
Energy and Sustainability Advisory Committee
Rockland, ME
Agenda: 10/05/21, 5:00-6:30 PM Zoom only
1. Review and vote to approve minutes of 07/06/21 meeting | |
2. Public Comment | |
3. Additions to agenda | |
4. Ecological considerations for Solar Development: Finalize approval of document to submit to City Council, Ret
| |
5. Wind Power: Guideline Development. Update, Shawn | |
6. Heat Pump Project: City of Portland, Sustainability Office “Electrify Everything” Project. Model and/or support for a similar program here | |
7. Solarize Rockland Project: Ideas related to a group buy of solar panels George, Emma | |
8. Borrego Project: Update | |
9. Consideration of ow well Robert’s Rules have served us and vote whether or not to consider an alternative or “Watered down version”. | |
Review of Tasks | |
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Topic: Energy Advisory Committee
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Meeting ID: 826 6672 1420