Seasonal Road Postings Are In Effect
Seasonal Road Posting Policy
Rockland Public Services Wins $42,209.82 Grant to Fix Thompson Meadow Bridge
A long overdue project is in the pipeline (no pun intended). The long overdue replacement of the Thompson Meadow Bridge is underway thanks to a Department of Environmental Protection Grant that [...]
Rockland to capitalize on the opportunity to improve the remaining portion of Old County Road
The City of Rockland Public Services and Crooker Engineering wraps up the Old County Road North project. After successfully completing the scope of the Old County Road South project, Crooker [...]
City of Rockland works with DOT to improve intersection of Park St. and Main St.
During a meeting with Patrick Adams and Dave Allen of the Maine Department of Transportation to discuss the City participation in Maine DOT’s Strategic Plan to Address Pedestrian Crashes, one [...]
Rockland Landfill Closure and Transfer Station Reconfiguration
Over ten years ago, the City of Rockland was plagued by odors emanating from the landfill. City Council agreed to look into the matter and hired CMA Engineering to evaluate what could be done to [...]