The City of Rockland is engaged in the development of a new city-wide website. This page will provide an overview of the overall process, as well as marking the current stop in the timeline.
Website development timeline:
In Process
- Defining goals for new website
- New website platform: Civic Plus
- Development of Timeline for Website
- Analysis of current site
- Creation of Informal committee for strategies and testing
- Creation of a Sitemap
- Branding and messaging for site
- Wireframing and flow of the pages
- Writing and Migration of content
- Testing and refining
- Website launch
We are currently working through steps 8, 9. We are meeting with Board, Committee, and Commission chairs to assess priorities and then wireframing for these interior pages.
At the Communications Workshop of Monday, February 26, the following notes were taken:
Monday, February 26, 2024
Council Chambers
The following notes were from participants at the Monday, February 26, 2024 Communications Workshop
- Global appeal of live cam
- Survey for web users
- Ease of navigation – priority page/USES
- Turning one-sided comms into vehicles for community engagement
- Exciting!
- Accessibility opens door to more engagement from working people/all
- Info on council meeting rules + agenda translation
- Encourage broad community involvement
- Opportunity to increase positivity + share positive stories
- Communicate closures + the reason
- Terrific repository – lots of info
- Search function room for improvement
- Streamline transactions
- Councilor’s corner – Agenda statement of purpose
- Tax bill documentation + payment
- Board/committee directory
- Management responsibilities – culture of site/content maintenance
- Question/input feed
- Thoughtful public outreach about site functions
- Consider user needs
- City Manager vs. website as info source]accessibility / language – outreach on city functions
- Automated non-emergency reporting = follow-up
- Hard to find info, hard to navigate
- Website vs. social media as info source
- Website as atoll to welcome ECD
- Community Listening sessions?
- Youtube channel unaffiliated with City
- No Instagram other than library
- RMS great following
- Opportunity to generate positive news stories
- Develop relationships with broader news outlets
- Routinely share progress on bond projects
- Why Care? Trust in governance, reputation-building
- Real pictures from staff
- Generate stock of photos
- Restructuring council meetings
- Clarifying meeting rules
- Formalize Council public engagement
- Opportunity to change Robert’s rules