Welcome to Rockland’s Land Use Review
project portal
Rockland’s Land Use Review Subcommittee is excited to welcome you to our new information page. The Land Use Review Subcommittee is a new subcommittee of Rockland’s Comprehensive Planning Commission, created to advance Rockland’s community vision as laid out in the 2022 Comprehensive Plan. We encourage everyone to learn more about Rockland’s community vision statement, adopted in our Comprehensive Plan by reading it here.
Building on recent work
We are building on work started by Rockland’s Office of Planning & Code, who recently completed a clarifying edit to Rockland’s land use code. Their goal was to simplify the code and make it easier to read and understand, without making significant policy changes. This involved clarifying text, replacing lengthy text with summary tables, and updating definitions. The result is a solid foundation for the Land Use Review Subcommittee’s work, which will consider potential policy changes.
Land Use Review Committee’s Focus
The Land Use Review Subcommittee is focusing first on addressing a priority identified in the 2022 Comprehensive Plan — to “Review and simplify Rockland’s 24 zones and 4 overlay zones.”
In doing this work, the Land Use Review Subcommittee aims to:
- Ensure that future sustainable development reflects Rockland’s community vision, as outlined in the 2022 Comprehensive Plan
- Align Rockland’s zoning to better match existing uses
- Provide a holistic review of opportunities to improve and further clarify the code
- Seek out and incorporate community input
- Recommend opportunities to reduce the complexity of land use regulation, while addressing the city’s land use needs going forward.
Commitment to Public Input
Public input and communication with Rockland residents will be central to all of the work that we do. We will hold multiple public input sessions throughout our work and provide ongoing updates to the City Council and the public at meetings, as well as here on this website.
If you would like to stay informed, attend input sessions, or provide us feedback or ideas, please sign up for our email list to be kept in the loop.
Thank you for your support.
And please reach out to us with any questions that
you may have via office of planning and code,
at rocklandcode@rocklandmaine.gov, or by calling (207) 594-0308
Watch the Video of
First Zoning and Land Use
Public Input Session
Land Use Review Subcommittee Update Fall 2024
This packet contains a summary of information and research gathered by the Land Use Review Subcommittee during the summer and fall of 2024.