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  • In 2024, the City of Rockland, Maine is once again committing to No Mow May on its own properties, and encouraging community members to do the same. The goal is to allow grass to grow unmown until June, creating habitat and forage for early season pollinators. This is the third year that the City is supporting our local pollinators.

    “We’re encouraging our residents and businesses to give pollinators a chance early in the growing season,” commented Rockland City Manager Tom Luttrell. “We’re showing support for this movement ourselves. It is entirely voluntary.

    No Mow May was started in England by a group called Plantlife, to support early emerging pollinators with more flowers for foraging. In this country it is promoted by Bee City USA. Not mowing lawns in May allows flowers such as dandelions to bloom in the lawn, and these flowers are crucial forage for spring-emerging bees. Maine has seventeen species of bumblebees, which carry out key pollination services, and several of these species are in decline.

    “If you don’t feel you can go the whole month without mowing, leaving sections unmowed or mowing less often can make a difference, and help provide food for hungry bees.”